"I was supposed to have been in court battling my father. There is even a video where I have given a seven minute speach. All of this never happened. If you say Britney's problems with her father backwards it is 'The Republican Party Hates Britney Spears as she promotes goodness, love and peace.' This may seem absurd, but in my videos I have recorded Republican Party members threatening to kill me and I am not even American. I have never done any of those TV interviews. They are all fakes. I have never been on tour as we use projection systems that looks really like the show is going on. I don't have any problems with my father at all. They are using all of this as some kind of political football to dupe the American people with a fake Britney they made up who is American and who they hate. I have been in America many times, but I have never been to Las Vegas. They are all fake shows." Britney.
© Copyright 2022 Gowganda The Rock Show
i just thought i would work up a few ads for Pepsi as they are not paying me at all, but the coca laeves sure make it taste so good. They take the cocaine out and then sell it to someone? Funny but there is nothing made from cocaine, but they claim it is sold to the durg companies. It's common knowledge. Clues are found all over Britney's stuff.
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