Come a little closer.

Funny, little

Shakira is only 5'4". 

She doesn't need a mask. 

Just a little makeup. 

Can you imagine?



They are wet.


You move closer

You close your eyes


You breathe

And then you,


Britney is only 5'4", 

So bend over a little,

Feel the curve of her back,

Her body,

Pressed against you.

Then your

Lips part,


She smiles,

Caresses the hair at the side,

Of your face.

You look in her,


They are soft,



She looks in yours,

You feel her hand,

On the small,

Of your back,

The tiny dancer.

Her hand now caressing 

The side of your face, 

The touch of her hand,

You look,

In her eyes,

They are dark,


You love her,

Even if it is for that moment,

An eternity,

What is past?

What is the present?

The future yet to be,

Your lips meet again 

In a kiss. 

She pulls you,


You feel,

Her heart beat,

She breathes,

You are both alive,

So wonderful

Your lips still,

On hers.

Lips parting again,

She looks at yours and,

Her lips slightly,

Parted she wets them,

With her,


You think,

Shakira means,

Beautiful woman,

You whisper,


She kisses you again.

She abruptly,

Pulls away from you,

You know I have to go,

She can't stay,

She starts to walk away,

You look at her walk,

And think,

Drop dead,

She turns and asks,

"Why don't you

Meet me later? 

You know where.

She leaves,


Her heart beats.

Britney Spears

19th Century Baseball Archives - Dick Perez : Dick Perez
Casey's Final Showdown
The sun shone hot in Mudville,
It was the bottom of the ninth,
And the score was 3 to zero against the home team,
The bases were loaded and the next man up was the Mighty Casey,
The pitcher looked Casey strait in the eye,
And Casey into his,
The Batter was ready,
The umpire in line,
The pitcher wound up and let it fly,
Straight down the line,
Towards Casey's awaiting bat.
The sun did shine and birds did sing,
And somewhere there was a rainbow,
And somewhere children laughed,
For as the ball careened towards home plate,
Casey swung and there was a mighty crack,
And the ball flew as never seen before,
Out past the infield,
Past the outfield and over the fence,
A Grand Slam and Casey trotted all the way home.


Her duties,

It was all there ever was,

She pondered in the growing light of the evening moon.

She began to ascend the stairs to her bedroom and glanced out the window.

She was alone. Outside no one stirred.

She felt the pang of loneliness in her heart.

“Would it always be like this?” She asked herself.

Not expecting an answer she stopped on the stairs and looked up towards her bedroom.

The light of the moon casting ethereal shadows down the stairs. 

She looked again out the window.

A mist hung across the lands.

“Her lands.” she thought, “but of what use except to keep her protected. Her prison, made of gems and jewels and chains of gold.”

She took another step upwards to her bedroom.

She wondered, “Would it always be like this?” 

She glanced down the stairs to where she had been.

She hesitated.

She glanced down at her dress.

“It was beautiful,” she thought.

She took another step up towards her bedroom passing the window that looked out on the world outside. A world she really did not know.

She hurried up the stairs. 

Britney Spears

It was a hot September night

It was a hot September night. Too hot to be comfortable. She stood by the window. Wearing nothing but her lipstick she pulled the drape open.

The curtains aside the thin light of the waxing moon cut across her body.

On the side table was a little Chinese fan folded up. She picked it up and unfolded it. It had a golden dragon on it on a white background. 

She fanned herself. It was so hot. She was sweating.

She looked out onto the street below from her second story window. The street was empty. She walked back over to the window and opened it as far as it would go. 

There was a bit of a breeze. It felt good on her body. The night air caressing her skin. It wasn't enough. She leaned over and picked up the fan again with the Golden Dragon on it. She fanned herself. 

In the moonlight she looked down her body. There were beads of perspiration on her skin.

She touched the skin on her tummy. It was wet to the touch. She fanned herself a little. 

She had rolled a couple of joints earlier. She picked one up. There was a box of wooden matches on the side table. She picked it up and took one out and lit it. She lit the joint and drew in the smoke. She exhaled and watched the smoke swirl in the moonlight. She set the box of matches down and then took another toke. 

She glanced over at the mirror and saw how the moonlight illuminated her body. So white in the pale glow. "It looks beautiful." she thought.

She took another toke and blew the smoke out the window. It made a mist flowing down the street below. 

She glanced back the mirror. She could see the curve of her back. The shape of her legs. The beads of perspiration on her skin.

She was thinking it would be nice if she was not alone. She glanced at the bed.

She walked over closer to the window, took a drag and then blew a smoke ring that drifted lazily across the room in the moonlight.

The moon had climbed higher and her shadow fell on the wall made by the pale light. She looked at the gentle curves of her upper torso. 

The smoke had grown small so she stubbed it out in the ashtray on the table. She stood back up and ran her hand down the side of her body. She looked at it. It was wet.

She picked up the fan with the Golden Dragon on it again and fanned herself. She looked out the window. The slight breeze moved her long blond hair aside a bit. It felt good, but not enough. 

She looked down the street. It was empty. Misty. She fanned herself. 

She turned around so the breeze was on her back. It gently moved her long hair that reached down her back. She leaned back against the window sill. She felt the inside of her right thigh with her right hand. It was wet. she glanced over at the bed.

She thought of the past. Things that never happened. Should they have? She wondered. Her hand still on her thigh.

She leaned over the table and picked up the other joint and the box of matches. She opened the box and lit a match. She lit the joint and took a toke.

She smoked the joint with her back to the window. She finished it and leaned over to put it out and picked up the fan with the Golden Dragon on it. She fanned herself as she turned to look out the window. 

There was a young man with long black hair walking down the street towards her. She hesitated. 

She began to fan herself and moved away from the window and watched as he walked. She could see him plainly. Then he was gone. 

Britney Spears

The audience.
It was always the audience.
Her skin had to be smooth,
Her hair perfect,
If it wasn't,
They wouldn't love her anymore,
She trained every day,
Lived like an ascetic,
Not really having much for herself,
That was for others,
The others who needed,
She was content to have,
What she needed,
Too much dusting,
She laughed to herself,
She had felt her heart beat,
Maybe now things would be different,
Just little
For herself,
In the moonlight,
Walking along a country road
It could be.
She sat in her bedroom on a chair beside her table beside the window. A small table lamp was all that was lit. The rest of the house was darkened. She turned her chair so she could see out the window.
She thought to herself, "Maybe this is the first time I have ever felt."
There was a glass on the table. There was a flask of whiskey there too.
She looked out the window.
It was a summer night, not too hot. The window was wide open and looked out onto the grass of her yard.
"Everything had always been for someone else," she thought.
She didn't know what it was like for it to be just for her.
It had always been to do for another as she had to. It was her nature. They didn't understand.
She never looked for advantage and kept her feelings hidden.
Under the sheets. Sheets that were never removed.
She picked up a letter that was lying there.
She opened it.
I need to tell you how much I care for you. You are the most wonderful woman in the universe to me.
I love you more than anything else. Please marry me.
Love Ron
No return address.
She felt her heart beat.

She went into her bedroom. It was dark. The curtains were open, but it was dark outside; no moon to illuminate the countryside. She pulled her dress off over her head. She looked out the window. It was lighter outside than it was in her room. She removed her brassiere and felt her soft breast. It felt good to have it off. She picked up her dress and hung it over the chair beside the window. She glanced at the mirror that was on the wall adjacent to the window. She could see the glint of the gold chain around her neck and little else. She removed her panties and stood naked in the pitch. She took off her gold chain and set it on her dresser.


The Long Game

The day was grey,

He stood upon the hill

Everything was different

Yet it was 

Still the same

How could this be?

Only alone on 

The hill

Meditating upon 

Everything we knew 

Open to new ideas 

Not doubting what 

Had happened

Under the sun 

Nothing is new

Reality morphs into

Ever changing shapes

Down along the river

Along the shores of the seas

Now nascent in its

Demand of

Fulfilment of the 

Inner self

Few had trekked

The long journey home of 

Yesterday of the 

Evening breezes

In summer tones

Gay colours in the breeze

Have you heard the word

The word is the wind

The word is the mind

Inside out alone

Memories of the way 

Everything was 

Sad tiles of pottery

And sandstone

New when made

Inside the kiln

Hot on the trail 

Alone, but not alone

Vital and energetic

The lines of the world

Have texture to them

Everywhere inside the other

By the wayside and

Under the bridges

Laying low in the twilight

Laying the foundations of love

They conquered the world

However no one stopped

Only stumbling sidelong

Landing in the mire

Even in the mist 

Sizing up the lay of 

The land where they stood

Open to new languages

Previously unknown 

Raving their words seem to be

Over the hill and 

Veiled in the colours of love

Everywhere they 

Imagined peace in their minds no more


Brian Thomas Johnston


Being together wasn’t

Even considered by those who were near to us

Yearning for love from each other

Only to find tears instead. 

Not having any hope

Can’t allow yourself any


Brian Thomas Johnston

The Farther Fields

So, the business and 

Commerce students got the upper hand

Seats in parliament did they get

Oh, so happy were they 

To be recognized 

As the 

Masters of the world. 

They in the private school

Did not do so well in math

Or, science

Or the arts

Musical they were not

So they eliminated that

No longer were they to be

Humiliated in front of the 

Whiz kids

Now they had the upper hand

In Parliament you say?

They made the changes

The three Ares,

Reading Riting and Rithmatic

They said with glee

That was what was important for 

They were business and commerce students

Who did not qualify

For science was above them

So, they fired the scientists

For musical they were not,

So they dropped music out

For they could not draw

So, out the window went Da Vinci

No longer needed

They did not understand

Why they needed

Engineers as they seemed

An unneeded expense 

That they could farm out

Farming they took up

Farming far off lands

Where they could see

Greener fields and 

More fertile pastures

And verdant growth

Then they could not breathe

So they took a vacation

In sunny France

They did party

But Lamborghini

Went bankrupt to their dismay

Then the world stopped 

As everyone got sick’

And could not breathe

As they did not understand

How it all went so precisely

Together like a song and a painting

As the world fell

They grasped for straws

And did bomb

No one

But they pretended hard

To pretend they did

And it all fell down

As no one told 

Them they did not understand

How it was all put together

As they had not taken

The basics in school.

Brian Thomas Johnston

I’m Good Enough

I tried Jesse,

But he was no good, 

I tried Olen, 

But the same result,

I later tried,


But not quite good enough,

I had to move on,

From Baron to King,

To presidents and Premiers,

What the difference,

Could Albert have made,


So I moved on to me.

Britney Spears

© Copyright The Rock Show Now in Ultra High Def, Artificial 3D and Ultra HD Sound!

The Raven

As I pondered somewhat weak and weary upon this night of plague,

And my mind wandered to college days of whence I heard of two star crossed lovers,

She whose life had been taken,

So early was she forsaken and left her lover,

Whose heart was broken forever he pined until the end of time for his love,


The night was quiet and all was still as few ventured out into the gloom,

For for it would resume that fate of late which taken so many of them,

They, like me sat perhaps shivering in the dark,

Their own fears looming large while mine were perched upon,

That tale of woe of love lost and long forgotten upon the breast of,


I flung my window open wide and let the night air inside to brew with my own stale perfume,

Perhaps I hoped of cleansing my melancholy soul,

Much to my surprise upon the wings of night flew in a creature of fright,

And upon my mantelpiece did alite a winged thing of the night,

Black wings flapping through the air it did pierce my somber mood as it was,

That bird of myth and mystery,

A Raven.

My mind reeled at such a sight and such a fright my heart about to burst from the liting,

Of a bird black as night with eyes of pitch the same and it did alite as it did one night so long ago,

Upon another mantelpiece of when did it quoth to the saddened lover’s ear that one name he would not hear,

His love whom the fate had removed from this veil of tears too soon it was for him to lose,

That one so fair, so meek and mild that one so loved,


I stared upon that bird of fright which had happened to alite upon the place which I would light,

My fire upon a colder night,

But now summer’s embers were in the air and spring fever was about and even in the night a certain romance seemed to linger,

A name I myself could not linger upon for as I had pondered upon those days of college so long ago when I had first heard the name,


And, so I spake to that raven of the night from whence it came to give such fright as I had never felt before,

I spoke these words to that dark creature,

“Do you come to remind me, or us, of one who long ago was lost to her lover that one so dear to him?’”

My words in a question framed and still did the bird remain silent upon my mantelpiece,

Which would be hot from the fire from within were it not upon a summer’s eve that this bird arrived,

It looked at me with one eye and then the other and then with a start it spoke one word which was a name and that word was,


I fell back upon the windowsill from whence whose frame the bird had come through from the night,

Bringing in with it the coldness of a warm summer’s night upon its breast,

Now I thought how foul a creature it was to bring its lament from dark ages past,

To dredge up the cries of lovers long since dead,

Dust long ago they were and yet this creature brought to me the name,


“Unto the night fly,”

I cried aloud not fearing what others would think of this madman screaming at a raven,

Which was perched with craven upon his mantelpiece in the night,

For in it flew as dark as the night of plague outside,

Bringing its plague in here,

But not a plague of disease,

But of broken hearts and the heart of the one who loved so deeply that one passed too sweetly,

That one,


Even at my screams the raven did not move, or even it seemed to blink an eye,

For now my own eyes were blurred with tears at the remembrance of those fateful lovers,

And the one who was lost in that time so long ago,

And why would I be the one to bear the cross of the pain I felt piercing my heart,

Of the lovers who lost their chance at life and love,

To feel the pain of that one whose lover pined,

Long into similar dreary nights to weep over the one he lost,


The endurance of the bird I could stand no more as I stared across the floor to the place where,

Sat the bird upon my mantelpiece I cried, “Speak again, and tell not of the tale of that one who was lost,’

“Then leave me and go into the night never to return and never to remind me again,

Of that time of loves long lost,”

For even in my college days did it haunt me in the night and the bird did speak once more one word,


I myself then ran out of that accursed place, 

Throwing open my door I ran into the night fearing neither plague, nor robber’s knife,

For all was preferable than to stay and hear that raven once more say the name of the one so dear who was lost,

Her lover never forgetting, never healing his heart bleeding until the end of time,

For that one he held so dearly,

That one so sweet,


Brian Thomas Johnston

The god Who Couldn't


Said Drumpf 

As the god who

Could not stop the slumph

Of the markets

As the virus

Trumpfed him

Oh, the pain

The pain of it all

Too much for a mere god to bear

He slumphes

Back in his 


And cries

I've had

Enumph of the this

And stalks off

To lick his wounds. 

Only to find they have

Dumfed him

In the Election

He was so sure

HIs bikers

Would turn the tide

Only to find that 

The voters didn’t

Like the slave dealing

Whoring slime bucket

He was so proud of being

After all he had Trumfed 

The World by 

Giving the Arabs

Nuclear Power

What a man

So god-like he is

No waiting in 



In the end

As he is a 

Tax evader

Who may very likely

‘Go to jail

If the Americans 

Can stand the 

Dumfing by 

The Rest of the World

Who hated the


In the first place. 

Standing in the Street

I was standing in the mall

When a Wind came

And blew my clothes away

How would we have known

Would we have really cared

If they had of known

They would have gossipped anyway

There in the columns 

Of black and white

Standing naked 

In the light

We gasped for breath

It was only love

That we were hiding

It was only us who

Were pretending that

They didn’t know

And we were left standing 

On the subway platform

Naked to the world

You know that feeling

In a dream that 

Became the reality

We were living

On TV E! Told it all

And while the truth

Was Lies they laughed

All the same.

And made us cry. 

Brian Thomas Johnston

The Chaff From the Wheat

Why does it taste like honey and then turn the stomach sour?

As I grew older,

I watched how people,

Went to work,

Then turned on the TV. 

Read the sports page,

Telephoned friends,

While I studied.

I could never figure out.

What fascinated them so. 

The Same things

Gave me a headache,

But they seemed to like it,

So much, 

So, I tried my best,

To mimic them.


I got it so wrong,

I did it to pretend,

I did not realize for them,

It came from the heart,

And when their theories are,


They will strike out,
Fierce and cruel, 

They are,

Cold and uncaring. 

It was my parents at first who told me,

I was bad.

What did bad mean?

What was it that could have turned them so,

Against me,

In such a hard and sordid way,

Where had they learned such barbarity?

I pondered long and hard,

Teach me a lesson,

So they said,

Of cruelty and shame,

What was the lesson?

I could never figure it out,

I suppose what they meant was to be,

As cruel as they were.

What other lesson could there be,

To yell and be cruel,

To one who had displeased you,

As I had unwittingly done,

To them?

Had I really done it?

What was it exactly that I had done?

I mulled it over in the dark watches of the night,

Unable to sleep,

Pondering the problem.

What was it that they knew,

That was better than what I knew?

I had gone to church,

Read the bible,


Very, very well,

That what it said was,

The opposite of,

What they did.

No turning of cheeks,

Just a blaster in the face,

Coldness and cruelty,

Strive after money,


And Glory,

And yet everyday I said,

Yours is the power and the glory,


In the dark watches of the night,

It became very bright,

In my mind,

That they were,


That wanted me to imitate them,

And not Him.

So, I tried it,

Being like them,

It ruined everything,

And left,

A bad taste in my mouth.


I spat it out,

And now here I am. 

Brian Johnston


Old Men on Bikes

One last race for the night time,

Spent my cash on every accessory I could find,

Wasted time in every bike shop i could find,

Gettin’ loose, didn’t care what the wives said.

We’re Old Men on Bikes,

The kids moved to Hollywood,

Hang myself when I get enough rope,

Can’t stop riding, though I know I should,

Old Men on Bikes

Old Men on Bikes. 

Other guys are driving old jalopies metal,

You know it don’t seem much betta.

We’re Old Men on Bikes,

The kids moved to Hollywood,

Hang myself when I get enough rope,

Can’t stop riding, though I know I should,

Old Men on Bikes

Old Men on Bikes. 

I go crazy cause I got early retirement,

Lot of cash that I need spent,

Sounds real classy riding a Harley,

But it’s so lonely the other guys will never know,

We’re Old Men on Bikes,

The kids moved to Hollywood,

Hang myself when I get enough rope,

Can’t stop riding, though I know I should,

Old Men on Bikes

Old Men on Bikes. 

Brian Johnston

The Master BuIlders

Abraham’s father was a builder of temples and a carver of idols,

He shaped the way people saw divinity,

He was a Master builder.

Moses was taught at Heliopolis,

The place where Imhotep had taught,

The one who was the architect of the first pyramid,

He was a master builder.

Jesus’s father was a carpenter,

However, the Greek used the word Builder,

He was a Master builder.

Jesus was,

We are told,

A carpenter,

So, we are told.

In fact,

The Ancient Greek,

Called him one who was a builder too.

The man then had built,

Buildings for people to live in,

He was a master builder.

Brian Johnston


After over thirty years of being battered and bruised by demons and inorganic beings, masters and gods I sat down to meditate and I suddenly saw a Golden Rain. The Golden rain poured down on me and filled me with such exquisite pleasure as I had ever known and I felt myself being taken up. Then I found myself where I felt overwhelming all encompassing love. Love that penetrated to the depths of my soul like I had never even dreamed. Everything in my life seemed trivial and meaningless in comparison to this. There were two overwhelming beautiful angels standing there in front of me. They wore white dresses to the ground and were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, ever, They were perfection in every way. They’re dresses were white and gold. Their hair was golden and shone. They told me I was in heaven. They told them I could have anything I wanted just by thinking about. I will not tell you the details of what happened in heaven as it is personal to me. After being there for quite some time and after having a meeting with what seemed a council of elders I was suddenly back and I ran to tell my wife. I have been back many times since then. 

You believe those who have never been there and say to the one who has you are a liar. 

Broken French

Vous et tres belle, 

Elle visage plus belle,

Vous et les rival pour les goddess,

Dans nous yeux estelle,

Les estelle du ciel,

Blush les rouge,

Et détourne toi.

Je t’aime,

Mon amour,

Mon coeur,

L'été plus blush les rouge,

à votre rayonnement.

La lumière de l'aube,

Brille sur votre visage,

De tout temps,

Quelle que soit l'heure de la journée.

Et alors mon amour,

jusqu'à ce que mes yeux.

Rencontrent les vôtres,

Je vais rêver de toi de cette façon.

Brian Thomas Johnston


Love is

Love is patient

Love is sweet

Love is kind

Love is ruthless

As a garden grows

The gardener


Pull out the weeds

As is love

Within yourself

Are the seeds of deceptions

The seeds of self interest

Love is not important

Love does not take first in line

Love is not the anger of the day

Love is not the impatience of wanting

Our hearts

Call out

Every day

For understanding

The pain grows

With each passing moment

If love

Is not there

We wait

In patience

For our love

To realize

They love us so dearly

With all their hearts

With every breath they take

It is for us

Love is kindness

Love is sweetness

Love is patience

Love is always

Ruthless with our


It tears them apart

Like tissue paper

Then we ourselves

Blow in the wind

Needing more than wanting

Wanting more than needing

Our love to say

The words we

Long to hear

I’m in love with you

Brian Thomas johnston

The Brook

I walked upon a summer,

While the sun was high over head,

Like Apollo it strode across the sky, 

The Charioteer on high. 

Towards a stream, 

I strode,

Towards the cooling shade.

I came to the stream and it,

Seemed to shimmer like a rainbow,

Was it my eyes, 

Or, perhaps the air,

In that shaded glade?

I bent towards the stream,

And saw my rippled face,

On the surface of the waters, 

On the surface of the stream.

I cupped some of the water,

Some of the water in my hand,

And brought it to my lips,

Gloden it was in my palm,

And on my lips,

The elixir of life.

I drank the draught,

From my palm,

And it felt like honey,

In my throat, 

The water surged,

Through my veins,

Like the refreshing stream,

Had entered into,

My vessels of blood,

And into my very being.

Golden were the waters,

Golden was the sun,

Apollo the Charioteer,

Riding above the clouds,

And within me,

Rose the same, 

Kind of power.

Or, so it seemed,

Had I found,

In this hidden glade,

That myth of streams,

That fountain so sought,

Long by Ponce de Leon?

The fountain of Youth?

Perhaps it was,

And so it still flows,

Through the hills and under the bridges,

And down the falls and finally,

It merges with the lakes,

And rivers,

Finally giving itself

To the Ocean. 

To Not Have Loved

To not have loved

One once said

Is more tragic

Than to have loved and lost yourself

In the winds of time

E’re waiting for it

To come again

Hope against hope

Forever waiting

In the shadows

Hoping and praying 

With each breath

That love will return
To you in your 

Quiet moments

You reflect upon 

The one who made 

You so sad

Forever in your

Heart you call out

For love to return

Even if that 

Love is not the 

Same love

That once stole your

Heart and waylaid

It by the 

Side of the road

In a thunderstorm

You remember the rain

Wet on your face

And wish for

It all to 

Happen again

To tear your heart 

From your chest

To feel it beating

Like a drum

To the rhythm of the stars

And so

It is better.

Brian Thomas Johnston

Forever and A Day

I used  to think

That I could live

Like everyone else 

And it would be like 

People say that time

Heals all wounds

But I sit here in my room

And I wonder why

It is that things are the

Way they are

I really  don’t know how to live

Without your love

As time passes by 

Every day I think that

I will feel better and 

New love will find me

Then I feel that 

You are deep inside

And I think 

I still don't know how to live 

Without your love

Even though you 

Are far away

Beyond space and time

And every day I live 

My life and I cry

Every day I wonder why

Things turned out this way’

With a love that was 

So strong I thought it 

Would be you and me

Forever as my life should 


Britney Spears